Yamaichi trans-logi Co., Ltd. is a transportation and warehouse service provider based in Fuji, Shizuoka Prefecture. Established in 1974, Yamaichi trans-logi Co., Ltd. has been developing with the local paper industry. We currently own about 120 automobiles, most of which are heavy trucks, and we specialize in transportation of paper-manufacturing-related products, home delivery packages, automobile parts and special passenger cars. We transport goods mainly to the Kanto and Kansai areas as well as areas in between. Our amount of work is stable because we take transportation orders directly from paper manufacturers and logistics providers, not through a broker.
As for our warehouse business, we own a total of seven warehouses in Fuji where our business is based. We have about 20 lift operators working there. We have a permit from Nagoya Customs as a bonded warehouse and can handle the storage of cargos from overseas. We can also load goods in containers on cargo ships. At this time, we are going to recruit new truck drivers on the following conditions for further expansion of our business.
In the morning, most of the things you do is receive products sent from factories and retrieve raw materials that are going to be used in factories.
In the afternoon, most of the things you do is get shipments ready and load them on trucks in accordance with notification of shipment schedules for delivery scheduled for the next day.
Please store goods neatly and efficiently with your excellent lift operating skills as there are different types and shapes of goods to deal with.
(Mr.) Hitotsuyama, Yamaichi Trans-logi Co., Ltd.
勤務地 : 静岡県富士市依田橋260-1
待遇・福利厚生 : 社会保険あり、退職金制度あり、大型免許取得サポートあり。